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rousimar palhares wrestling

Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares – An Athlete With OUTSTANDING Work Ethic!

bjj training no gi wrestling May 13, 2021

Do you know what all great grapplers have in common? The one thing, that differentiates them from everyone else?
Yup, you've guessed it right. It's their work ethic. It's the countless days, months, and years they put into practice. It's the razor-sharp focus at each of those training sessions... And it's the never-ending hunger for more achievements.

Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares is one of those athletes. His skill and athletic dominance aren't just a result of his talent, but – more than anything else – a byproduct of his hard work.

The effort he invests, hour after hour, can be seen on the video below. Or, at least, the very glimpse of it:

If you want to learn from one of the hardest workers in grappling ever, then check out Toquinho's BJJ instructional on the link below, and get it for 19$:


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