How To Attack And Submit Anyone From The Turtle Position
"What If You Could Turn Your Back Without Fear Of Being Submitted...?"
Hi Guys!
~ My name is Raoul Audhoe, and I'm here today because I've partnered with Grappling Instructional's to give you something that I call "Attacking From Turtle".
This is my framework for how to transform the otherwise defensive Turtle position into an platform for attacks and submissions.
But before I give you access to the Attacking From Turtle instructional, I want to tell you the backstory about how it was created...
HOW I Submitted 7 Opponents In A Row From The Turtle Position...
Just this year, I wanted to battle test something that I have been developing for a long time, something that I am unbelievably passionate about, namely: How to submit every opponent in a tournament without losing a single point - FROM THE TURTLE!
Yes, I know it's weird, because the Turtle position is notoriously defensive and that is exactly why nobody expects it to be so dangerous!
I'm sharing these details with you not to brag, but to make it clear that I'm onto something very promising and highly effective and I wanna invite you to take part in exploring it even further because this WILL revolutionize your Turtle game!
But, seeing is believing, so before anything else please check out this video to see exactly how I submitted seven opponents in a row using the Turtle position!

It's Fascinating How So Few People Are Familiar With The Turtle position!
As you could see, I TURNED my back inviting my opponents to engage (I did not GIVE away my back) At first they become surprised, thinking that this will be an easy one. However, as time passes and the confusion due to not being able to establish any hooks, score any points or attempt any chokes keeps increasing, they will OVERCOMPENSATE! Yes, the unfamiliarity of playing top Turtle against someone who is a specialist in using dynamic movements from Turtle can be overwhelming, so much so that they completely forget about their own vulnerabilities ending in their demise. This is NOT a coincidence - It's reality!
Attacking From Turtle
~ Attacking From Turtle helps you rapidly develop a new way to frustrate your opponents and win more matches.
"They Won't Know What Hit Them Until It's Too Late Because You're Attacking From Turtle..."
We are born with the ability to defend anything in front of us. BUT, when it comes to attacks from the back we are extremely vulnerable!
YES, the back is hard to defend for obvious reasons. But there are ways to ensure you are safe, actually... more than safe, DANGEROUS to be exact!
This is a secret attacking system that 99% of your opponents have never seen before.
Attacking From Turtle Is The Ace In Your Sleeve - Your Competitive Edge!

"The Worlds First Battle-Tested Turtle Attacking Instructional"
Normally, I only teach people the "Attacking From Turtle" in Private Classes and in seminars... but today I want to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the entire attacking course AND additional videos material to help you rapidly improve your Turtle Jiu-Jitsu skills.
For Only $79
Yes... for the price equivalent to a single UFC Pay Per View night, you get access to a battle-tested system that I've invested a long time perfecting.
YES Raoul! Give Me Instant Access To Attacking From Turtle For Just $79.00
Get the course today!"If You Can Watch Videos And Train,Then You Can Learn How To Attack From Turtle..."
In fact...We have BJJ students of every belt color enrolled in the course and who are successfully using this EXACT SYSTEM in their own BJJ game! Don't believe me?
Check this out!

Leg locks
Wrist locks
and More!

David Ryan
Best instructional I have purchased. I usually buy stuff from Fanatics but this instructional was great. The subtitles especially are a game changer. My favorite segment is the "competition tactics" Just simply showing how to initiate and enter a system is such a simple idea, but it's rarely ever talked about. I'll be encouraging everyone in the gym to buy this instructional mate, really awesome stuff.

Mac Hooper
The instructional is so good! Even as a heavyweight I can do the sweeps from Turtle, turning the head to the opponent is a game changer as well as twisting the wrists.

Filipe Vicente
This was the second instructional that I bought from Grapplinginstructionals. The Turtle position was never my favorite, but since I kept ending up there I decided to learn all about it. I really recommend doing the same because now very few people are able to insert their hooks or actually take my back!
Yes Raoul! Give Me Instant Access To Attacking From Turtle RIGHT NOW For Just $79
Get the course!Time Is Of The Essence...
This Is A LIMITED OFFER At This Price.
This can go up in price at any time, especially since we will be adding more material as we go (which is what I’ve done with other courses in the past).
To ensure you get as much value as possible, we’re giving you the opportunity to join early through this limited offer.
Just imagine being able to never worry about someone taking your back again. This is an area that is totally unexplored in BJJ, NoGi grappling and MMA alike! This instructional will rapidly enhance yours skills so that you can stay safe while also being able to unleash attacks from the turtle position.

~P.S. That's pretty much everything! If you want to become an attacking machine from the turtle position without risking your neck, this is the bjj instructional that will show you how to do it. I hope to see you in the members area.~