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Wrist Lock Standing Jean Vandesteen

Use This Easy WRIST LOCK To Tap Out Anyone – From Standing!

gi submission Mar 07, 2021

Yeah, we can all pretty much agree that Wrist Locks are a particularly nasty submission technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. They're sneaky and they come up fast... So it's no wonder that they're often scoffed at!

But, as much as some Jiujiteiros hate Wrist Locks, other Jiujiteiros absolutely love them. They are a trusted part of their Jiu-Jitsu submission arsenal, and deservedly so – they work!
Therefore, if you want to become one of those athletes that are secretly admired for their Wrist Lock prowess, now is a great time to begin learning them.

Plus, they can be done from standing, too! For example, when someone grabs your collar and you can see their wrist... That's when you have a Wrist Lock opportunity.
Here's how to set up a standing Wrist Lock, as demonstrated by Jean Vandesteen:

P.S. We have a new instructional coming out soon, with none other than Jean Vandesteen himself. Keep an eye out for it, because it's going to blow your mind!


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